

 The pathway to my heart is open.

I have no protection against 

The sadness that walks upon it.


Nor do I complain. 

The movement happens: 

It is sweet the grief


Like an old friend 

Returning to claim its place 

In the order of things.


It seems endless though,


I fear I could drown in its vastness. 


Down, down into the darkness 

Where all grief meets

And belongs.


A great turbulence,

A living writhing tangle 

In the belly of the world.


To ascend again

Cloaked with nothing 

But a bittersweet knowing 


That grief belongs,

That it bears

A precious gift.


That each journey down

Is a necessary yielding 

To the ache in my body 


For release and presence,

For joy and remembering,

Back into infinity.