A blackbird came and sat on my shoulder 

As I was watching my breath. 

Fiercely black and yellow and unafraid,

Its gaze was relaxed and unrelenting. 

Abandon resistance in the face of beauty,

It said. Be naked before it. Make space for it.

Let it light you up. Let your own beauty be seen,

Penetrating the outward form to the soul essence 

I see your beauty even as you stumble and fall.

What grace in landing. What marvellous movement.

How you recover your equilibrium. 

The patterned delight of your silhouette on the wall

My friend, how can I tell you, as I step out of shadow, 

How much your presence means to me,

How I reveal more of myself

In the light of your encouragement. 

Like the prodigal son back from exile,

Finding my way home to myself