The sea has cast me up upon the beach
I feel the heat of the sun on my back
Somewhere in the distance birds cry
And I sense a new energy in my bones
Life, with its sufferings, its brevity
The inevitability of pain,
Has retreated with the tide
And now possibilities
Ol love and connection are opening up
Somehow I've arrived
On the shore of hope
Where but to think is no longer
To be full of sorrow
And leaden eyed despairs
But to behold the joy that
A new vantage point
Opens up for me
Free from the blinkers
Of anguish
After years in the dead zone
Iām in the land of the living
I watch children play
Without despairing
At the hopelessness of it all
I'm awash with the colour
And exuberance
I struggle to pin down this new horizon
So that it will never leave me
But like the sandcastle trapped
Before the inrushing tide
The effort is doomed to fail
Life inexorable, relentless, unfathomable
Is running the show
And it refuses to stay the same
The dark voices are at my shoulder
Telling me their time will come again
But for now I'm resting In the revelation
That I belong here, that this really is my home