I step into the in-between world
Leaving behind the sunshine
And find myself looking
Through the midday gloom
At the half-dead
Who act like they're alive
Running on a weird energy
Not knowing they are already dead
Terror rises and I think
Maybe if I keep walking
in this demi-world
It will change, become normal
So I can connect to its mundanity
But in the shadow
That dulls the midday sun
The zombies eat and drink
Is this how we really are?
Dead already. Just going through
The charade of living
Believing it to be true?
I reel in horror
If they are dead then I must be too.
To enter into their world
And see them as they are.
Am I dead?
Can I be dead
And witnessing this?
All these people
Act like they're alive
As they go about
Am I any more real than they?
I want to run.
If I stay here I am doomed.
I bolt for the garden gate
Through which I entered the in-between world
Close it behind me
Waiting for a familiar face
To convince me I'm alive