Sometimes, in the darkest of times, slivers of light, moments of grace, of understanding, of insight would penetrate the darkness and the despair and give me hope and reason to continue. These moments were precious. They inspired me to keep going.
This poem is about one such moment. It’s called Perfect.
On a beach in Lanzarote
With my back to the wall
The sea is placid
Waves break gently
The sun is going down
And I’m wondering how I will survive
This terrible dislocation
Being here
While finding it unbearable
I've struggled all day
To find any of the normal gears
For living.
I've watched people
Imagined their pleasure
In simple things
An ice cream, a swim,
A ball thrown across the beach,
A smile
But I just can't line it up
I'm the piece that doesn't fit
The actor who can't find his play
The alien who’s cover
Is about to be blown
The pressure of dislocation
Is crushing me
Then a woman and child
Move across my field of vision
The little girl is smiling
Her hand in her mother's
And I suddenly know with certainty
That everything is happening exactly as it should
That there is perfection in every moment
Even the terrible ones
And I'm in alignment
No longer an outsider
In that moment I'm in the ecstasy
Of knowing that I am part of it
That I too belong
That I'm in the right place
That it holds together, makes sense
The moment passes
I knew it would
The monsters return
But their stories of pain, terror, despair,
Must now allow
That hope is possible.
That somehow
Life is perfect just as it is