There was an ice storm the night I became unmoored.
Frozen trees crashed to ground in the forest.
Power cables sparked on the road.
I knew I was loosing it
When the pots and pans
Began to talk to me.
And I couldn’t get them out of my head
I couldn’t find the places
Where my mind was anchored
To the life I knew.
Instead I fell off the planet
Into the endless darkness
Of infinite space
With no handholds.
Tumbling, spinning
Out of existence
Terrified. There was no returning to myself
My self no longer existed
Except as a memory
The bridge to that identity
Swept away. Just a deep chasm remained.
I didn’t want to believe this was happening
I tried everything thing I knew to find a way back
To the reassurance of myself
But everywhere the ground was shifting
How could I tell you that I had died
But through some trick was still here
Dead and alive at the same time Holding the two positions
In a desperate terrified embrace
Juggling the impossible and the unbearable
So began the horror show
A life shorn of hope
A concentration camp of the mind
No escape possible
The death of meaning